About Us
A friendly and charming country church located 6 miles east of Sigourney on the corner of Highway 92 and 270th. Map
Founded on God's word, the Bible, we believe that Bethel stands as a witness to the light for the Lord in our community. Our growing congregation is warm, welcoming and casual.
Rev. Nick Needham
Prayer Requests
The church mailing address:
27561 235th St, Sigourney, IA 52591
Administrative Bd: Bob Klett....641.660.0756
Administrative Bd: Kevin Luers 319.330.0148
Christian Ed. Coordinator: Pam Luers
SPRC: Suellen Seaba….…… ......641.990.5788
Hwy92 and 270th Ave
Sigourney, IA 52591
Bethel Global Methodist Church
Highway 92 and 270th Ave
Sigourney, IA 52591
2009-2024 Bethel Global Methodist Church
Bethel History
Established in 1844
"In the beginning God created...." Because of Him, we are a part of His wonderful creation.
We have a special heritage - a light to share in our community and world.
The year was 1844. Iowa was still a territory, but there were rumors of defining boundaries, writing state constitutions and bringing before the people a vote to determine statehood. While supporters of statehood were winning votes, the Methodist Church was actively winning souls for the Lord through a program of circuit riders. The church sent these traveling evangelists throughout settled portions of the state to meet with local families and conduct sermons for local Methodist congregations. A typical circuit was usually two weeks long. The Methodists profited greatly from their "floating ministry", attracting hundreds of converts in Iowa's early years.
As more settled communities appeared, the Methodist Church assigned ministers to these stationary charges. Bethel Methodist Church became one of the first churches in the state to benefit from one of those assigned charges. By 1844 a group of German immigrant settlers had made their homes around the Harper area. A man by the name of Peter Helwig was one of these original settlers. As the son of a minister, he took to heart the religious welfare of his fellow neighbors and started conducting services in homes which mostly consisted of crude log cabins. In a message sent to his father-in-law in Illinois he expressed his concerns for lack of pastoral guidance, and as a result, the Illinois Association sent a missionary preacher, the Rev. Mann, to shepherd this German settlement.
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The Little White Church on The Highway*
In 1934, Mrs. Paul (Maude) Snakenberg wrote a song to the tune of "The Church in the Wildwood" for Bethel's 90th Anniversary.
*The original roadway had primary two instead of highway.
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The Rev. Nick Needham is currently serving here at Bethel Global Methodist Church. Bethel GMC has been blessed with many gifted pastors over the years. Please click on "read more" for a complete Pastoral Record listing.
Hwy92 and 270th Ave
Sigourney, IA 52591