Hwy92 and 270th Ave
Sigourney, IA 52591
Bethel Global Methodist Church
Highway 92 and 270th Ave
Sigourney, IA 52591
About Us
A friendly and charming country church located 6 miles east of Sigourney on the corner of Highway 92 and 270th. Map
Founded on God's word, the Bible, we believe that Bethel stands as a witness to the light for the Lord in our community. Our growing congregation is warm, welcoming and casual.
Rev. Nick Needham
The church mailing address:
27561 235th St, Sigourney, IA 52591
Administrative Bd: Bob Klett....641.660.0756
Administrative Bd: Kevin Luers 319.330.0148
Christian Ed. Coordinator: Pam Luers
SPRC: Suellen Seaba..……........641.990.5788
2009-2024 Bethel Global Methodist Church
We believe Bethel has opportunities that will fill the need of every spirit.
Come join us and feel the warmth.
If we don't have a group that fits, we would be happy
to start a new one!
Worship Service and
Sunday School
Our services are filled with love, laughter
and a caring exploration of God's Word.
Worship Service: 10:30 am - 11:30 am
Sunday School Classes for all ages:
9:30 am - 10:30 am
Lively and interesting discussion of Sunday Bible Lessons.
Communion and Potluck: 1st Sunday of each month.

Global Methodist Women: Second Wednesday of each month. Noon potluck followed by Devotions and a short meeting.
Hwy92 and 270th Ave
Sigourney, IA 52591
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Bethel Cemetery Special Notice
Please click here to read important information about
the Bethel Cemetery and future ongoing needs.
Thank you
The Bethel Cemetery Board of Directors